Thursday, July 8, 2010

The more we get together, the happier we'll be...

...Because your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends

I adore these super sweet friendship bracelets from Links of London. I worked for the brand yesterday and wore some of their fabulous couture pieces. These bracelets really stood out for me... like friends the more you have, the better they are! They look fabulous with a whole armload in contrasting shades.

The new ones they have come out with are even more fabulous. Cat Deeley worked with the brand to pick out some of the new colours. They also have a fabulous new style with little silver skulls all linked together with string. However, since these styles were just premiered yesterday I don't have any photos of them. I would have taken some snaps yesterday if it wasn't considered unprofessional to walk around acting like a model and photographer at the same time!

The bracelets remind me of coming back from summer break as a kid. This was always my favourite time of year... The kids in my city would always come back with loads of friendship bracelets from camps and fabulous summers spent in the sun having fun. These bracelets make me nostalgic and happy at the same time! Definitely a piece to consider investing in!

Lots of love,


  1. cute bracelets, i agree they remind of summer too! x

  2. they are very cool - i envision a whole arm stacked with them too :)

  3. so cute!!! congrats on working with them :)
    I had my blog totally abandoned, but I missed it so I had to update it!!! can't wait to see more photos of yor days in London :)
    Augusta ♥

  4. i love the bracelets! i remember making those when i was little..of course they weren't as cool looking!

  5. Those are really great, I want some for me and my friends.
    Eat, Sleep, Denim <3

  6. LOVE those bracelets! needing one i think:)

  7. I have so many friendship bracelets that I just can't bear to part with (all from camp!) So these bracelets definitely remind me of my own :) I agree, a worthwhile investment.

  8. How cute~! Been away from blogging quite a while but I'm back now and catching up!
