Sunday, June 13, 2010

Style Crush: Brit Style!

Hi lovely bloggers!
So I just wanted to do a little homage to how much I am enchanted with the style here in the UK.... And I thought French girls were supposed to be the stylish ones! Now don't get me wrong - french girls are stylish too, but in a totally different way. French girls are stylish in a more traditional, pulled-together and tailored way. Brits are stylish in a eclectic and unique way that I absolutely adore! And no wonder - who wouldn't be chic growing up in a city with such a fabulous array of stores??? I am starting to take some photos of some of the unique little boutiques and shops I've stumbled upon and will share them all with you soon.

Until then... the top photo is of a shirt I picked up today at Pop Boutique near Covent Gardens - a fabulous vintage store which I will definitely be returning to! The lower photo is simply a tourist photo, but I liked the outfit. It's a little bit harder to do personal style posts over here without my boyfriend to act as photographer!

Anyways, the bottom three are photos taken from the streethearts, the style scout, and styleclicker. These photos demonstrate how each Londoner seems to pull of their own slightly unique spin on the current trends, as well as classics. I love the London look!

Anyways, hope you guys like these photos & thanks, as always, for all your sweet comments!


My outfits; Outfit 1: Shirt: Pop Boutique. Cut-offs: American Eagle. Shoes: BC at Biscuit Boutique. Outfit 2: Silk shirt (just visible): Aritzia. Oversize blouse: Aritzia. Leggings: Jacob. Shoes: BC at biscuit boutique. Jewelry: thrifted, topshop.


  1. great selection. I love the one with the giant hat and printed pants. I think style in london is like nowhere else, people really just go with whatever they like! xx

  2. seriously great photograph, really good inspiration. your blog if proper hot, love this post cant say enough positivity for it.

  3. love the photographs! They have a Pop Boutique in Leeds and Manchester, too.. It's just an amazing Vintage shop, and really cheap prices too :)

    Love your blog, hope you've had a lovely weekend :)


  4. Great photos - I hope your trip is going well!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  5. I love the top that you bought. The detailing is really cool. Also, it looks like London street style is amazing - I've never been to London, but in my head I imagine all the girls to dress like Alexa Chung - If that's anywhere near true, it must be one fashionable city! Hope you're getting tons of inspiration to bring back with you.

  6. I totally agree with you about the british style! I loved the fact that in London - and in Paris too - people are really open to styles, like here in my country if you wear something different you are weird! Great outfits you chose as examples! loved them all! and your style pictures are gorgeous too...the fist one is so british! the other one is really simple, but there's nothing better than a shirt and jeans! really nice, totally something I would wear!
    I love Pop Boutique! I couldn't remember the name when I told you about a vintage store near covent garden a few posts back! It's incredible! lots of amazing clothes!!
    Can't wait to see and read more about your trip!

  7. great look love it


  8. Love all of these looks! Great inspiration xoxo

  9. Fabulous photos! I am totally obsessed with all things Brit. :)

  10. I prefer British style too..
    It is more eccentric and unique.. Stylish and fresh..
    Cool photos..


  11. love your outfit and the other pictures you posted :)

  12. I love your new shirt!! Seriously! I'll be awaiting the store post because I'll be in London in September! Already getting my store to visit list ready (my poor friends)

  13. I do love British style - I am with you on that one!

  14. Love your style!

    You should check out my blog!

  15. Pefect images,my friend!!!

    Hey,check out my new ferragamo wedges!!!

  16. ditto, I want to visit Europe so bad .... I love the fashion there

  17. wow amazing streetstyle! people seriously have awesoem clothes:)

  18. Ah, the fabulous elephants! I just love the different styles in cities, and London certainly has great style! xoxo
