Friday, June 4, 2010

Fashion is in the Sky

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
-Coco Chanel
"I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants."
-Whitney Houston
"I love being able to wear dresses and clothes that make me feel feminine and beautiful, and I love the fact that I don't have to all the time[.]"
-Portia de Rossi

Hello Readers!
So I figured that I should post up my last two outfits in case I run out of time before I leave. Hope you guys like. Ever since the weather has warmed up I've been in the mood for the most flirty , and girly dresses in my closet. Can you tell? It's funny because simply slipping into a flirty dress, like one of the above, simply makes me feel more feminine. Just like an edgy outfit makes me feel more avant-garde. I think this is why we, bloggers, are so amazed, inspired and obsessed with fashion. It can make you into whoever you want to be, for however long you choose to don a particular garb. It can enhance your mood, uplift your spirits. Fashion is a friend that will always be there to cheer you up - and will never ditch you for her new boyfriend. And this is why I will always love fashion.

A fun little quiz taken from The Lovelylist. Thanks Krystal!
Reading: "Sellevision" by Anthony Burroughs and "Emma" by Jane Austen. The first is hilarious, and the latter is a must-read (as are all of Austen's collections as they are written in a different era but are still so strikingly poignant).
Listening to: Angus & Julia Stone, Free Energy, Wolf Parade
Watching: nothing! I'm not a big TV person... when I watch TV I have to watch episodes chronologically. I get into phases where I become obsessed with a show online and will watch all the episodes. I love Heartland, Being Erica, and the City at the moment.
Dreading: The plane ride on Monday! It's not that I'm afraid of heights or plane crashes. Rather I'm a germaphobe and hate how the germy air is recirculated for 7 hours - yuck! Also, I hate the icky smell that comes from the frozen, disgusting food they serve. It permeates everything you wear and I swear that I smell that wretched scent for days afterwards! Also, not looking forward to jet lag- never fun.
Excited About: England (of course). Returning to work at the barn for a week, and Victoire for the rest of summer. How fun! Also looking forward to picking my classes for next year.
Craving: Starbucks nonfat latte, Juice Monkey lebanese fruit parfait (yum - and healthy!)
Wanting: New shoes! (See last post!) Either some nice flat ones that I can walk around in or a higher pair for castings. Or both. Ideally :)
Hoping: That magically my suitcase will be less than 50lbs and that I won't have to pay excess baggage fees.... Hey, a girl can dream right!?

Lots of love,

Outfit 1: Dress: Urban Outfitters. Cardigan: Zara. Belt: Topshop. Shoes: Dolce Vita at Victoire.
Outfit 2: Dress: Winners (several years ago and only wore it for the first time this year!). Belt: Target (wish we had one in Canada!). Shoes: Aldo.


  1. fab survey! ;) although i got it on a blog that i read a long time ago and i have no clue whose it is but had saved it! haha...i suppose they will come yelling if they find out =) i love your belts!!! i too am all about the feminine dresses this year. have fun on your trip!

  2. i love your dresses! especially the first one, you look awesome, have a fab weekend

  3. Love the belt! It looks great with both dress. I'm on a belt kick right now and looking for the perfect brown one.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. loved the belt over the cardigan!! And the blue dress is really cute!! and your shoes ♥ I'm seriously in love with them!
    Yesterday I saw a pair of shoes in Zara and completely fell in love with them, and that reminded me of you! haha I would sell my sould for them! Still, I have to wait a few days so my dad can buy them for me as he is currently abroad.
    Anyway, I'm from Uruguay, a small (tiny, actually) country in Sourh America. I hate it because there are no fashion opportunities for me here, so that means I will have to move somewhere else (my dream would be either London or Paris). But Uruguay it's not that bad, like the weather is pretty good (there are no hurricanes, and weird stuff haha) and the people are really nice. You should visit it one day, we have gorgeous beaches ;) haha. I went to London to study, I was actually staying at Cambridge (the city, not the university), but went to London A LOT. Studying was the excuse to go there, I always wanted to go to England, and besides I kind of had to get away because I was going through some bad stuff, so it was the perfect time! I also went to Paris and Edimburgh, it was amazing! An incredible experience!

  5. "Fashion is a friend that will always be there to cheer you up - and will never ditch you for her new boyfriend." I 100% agree with this statement!
    Very pretty dresses!

  6. love the survey! and these outfits are gorgeous :) I'm like you, as soon as it's Summer, all I want to do is slipinto a girly dress :)


  7. lovely outfit ! :)

    I've just created my blog and I would love to have your opinion :)

  8. Such cute dresses! There are more and more men wearing skirts now (and not only Scots). xx

  9. love these dresses, the first is may fav

    great blog ;)

  10. Love the topshop belt and the aldo sandals!
    Great dress too, enjoy your weekend!

  11. Hi cute girl.. loving your looks! xo-karrie

  12. Love both outfits :D Great dresses 3

  13. cool outfits!!!!!!!

    love the first one!!!!!!

    lovely flat shoes!!!!!

    thanx for ur so sweet comm:))


  14. love the belt!
    great blog- seems we share a name :)
    i am now your follower- feel free to follow me back

  15. It'll be my third over in the UK, but I haven't actually been in London for like five years so I'm really looking forward to it! How long are you in the UK for?

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  16. col dresses and i love the dogs! Topshop is indeed like paradise on earth!

  17. you look so pretty in these shots!
    i love jane austin too, she's my fav. it's boring to say but pride and prejudice is my favourite book.
    it's funny you say you like being erica, my boyfriend was in the first episode. he played the street musician.

  18. Cute red dress!
    Cara from IFB
