Friday, May 21, 2010

Back to the Future

First thing my mom says when I bring home these pants: "I had a pair just like that, that I donated to the Salvation Army!"
As always... THANKS MOM!
Anyways, I hope you guys like my new purchases. I sure had fun shooting these photos yesterday, and I have another 'nautical' look I'll put up soon.
I've been trying the photo that inspired me to purchase these pants but I looked all over and can't find the photo yet... but I will continue my search! I saw another photo of the same girl in a magazine yesterday... this girl has an amazing, very inspirational sense of style that I will definitely be following. I need to figure out who she is exactly.
What else is new...? Think my boyfriend and I are headed to Vermont to a friend's place for a few days. Also, my interview for today was cancelled (boo!) and moved to Tuesday. I was looking forward to the interview so I'm not best pleased.
But oh well...

Lots of love,

PS. Thank you Alessia for your lovely 'Queen of Blogging Award'!

Shirt: Wilfred at Aritzia. Pants: Talula at Aritzia. Shoes: Dolce Vita at Victoire. Necklace: Pacsun. Belt: Vintage. Watch: Thrifted


  1. Perfect!!!
    Lovely outfit!!!


  2. Congrats on the award! Love that colour bustier tank on you! :)

  3. Congrats! Love these comfy and chic trousers, and those sandals are cute!

    Also totally loving your previous outfit!
    So feminine. Have a great weekend!

  4. The colour of your shirt is my favourite!As a result,I LOVE your shirt!!!!!!!!!!

  5. OMG! I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS LOOK! Loooooove the pants! I have a similar pair, but they look better on you! haha I fell in love with your shoes too!!
    I totally love your blog, you have great style!! I'm seriously not confident enough to post pictures of me! I'm so critical with myself that I can't find a photo I like XD
    anyway, great post as usual!

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by my site, K! :)

    I am loving the mint green on you and what a fun necklace! I hope you have a Wonderful Week and I'll be sure to check back soon for some more fun fashions!

    Liesl :)

  7. high waisted crisp business trousers are one of my favourite pieces to vamp up this summer, and these are new exception. they look great! i want a pair myself to tuck into military boots! x

  8. hey!!!!!

    cooooooool outfit!!!!!!

    so much love ur pants and shoes!!!

    thanx for ur so sweet comm(my shoes are from h&m,last year!!!!)

